Home Page


The Loriners Multi Academy Trust


The Trustees


Please find below details of how our Trust is structured, including names, and terms of appointment for each Trustee.


To contact any member of the Trust Board, please write c/o The Loriners MAT, Park Hall Junior Academy, Park Hall Road, Walsall, WS5 3HF.



Mr G Deakin

Chair of Trustees

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Finance, Audit and Risk; Premise/H&S;



Term of Office ends – 13/03/2028


Declaration of Interest - none


Mrs J Roberts

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Curriculum and Standards; Premise / H&S;


Term of Office ends - 30/09/2027


Declaration of Interest - none


Mrs N Khan

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Chair of Finance, Audit & Risk; Personnel; Curriculum; Admissions; Pay;


Term of Office ends - 30/09/2026


Declaration of Interest:

Family member is owner of Principal Car Hire Limited


Mr T Neal

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Chair of Curriculum and Standards; Finance, Audit and Risk; Pay Appeals;


Term of Office ends - 04/12/2025


Declaration of Interest - none


Mr Z Nawaz

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:



Term of Office ends - 30/09/2028


Declaration of Interest - none


Mrs K Balfour

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Chair of Personnel; Pay Appeals



Term of Office ends - 16/05/2027


Declaration of Interest - none


Mrs S Ali

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Finance, Audit and Risk; Personnel; Pay Appeals;


Term of Office ends - 04/12/2025


Declaration of Interest - none


Mrs R Rai

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership:

Personnel; Premise and H&S; Pay



Term of Office ends - 30/09/2026


Declaration of Interest - none







Local Governing Board 

Please find below details of how our Local Governing Board is structured, including their names, and terms of appointment for each Governor.


To contact any member of the Local Governing Board, please write c/o Park Hall Infant Academy, Park Hall Road, Walsall, WS5 3HF.


A minimum of 2 Parent Representatives, elected by the parents, will sit on the Board.

Park Hall Infant Academy - Local Governing Board


Mr Z Nawaz

Community Governor

Chair of LGB


Term of Office Ends: 08/12/2027


Declaration of Interest:



Mr W Ijaz

Parent Governor


Term of Office Ends: 27/04/2025


Declaration of Interest:



Mrs S Kooner

Parent Governor


Term of Office Ends: 13/02/2024


Declaration of Interest:



Mrs T Mand

Community Governor


Term of Office Ends: 19/09/25


Declaration of Interest



Mr A Waraich

Parent Governor


Term of Office Ends: 30/11/2027


Declaration of Interest:



Mrs J Mann

Parent Governor


Term of Office Ends: 30/11/2027


Declaration of Interest:


Former Trustees of Park Hall Infant Academy (last two academic years) 

The Company was dissolved on 30/05/2023.


Mr G Deakin

Chair of Governors

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Chairs; Personnel; Premise; Admissions;



Term of Office ended - 30/05/2023


Declaration of Interest - Director The Loriners MAT


Mrs B Westwood

Ex Officio



Sub Committee Membership -

Chairs; Finance; Personnel; Premise; Curriculum; Admissions;


Term of Office Ended - 31/08/2022


Declaration of Interest - Employed by the PH Infant Academy Trust; Company Secretary of Walcot Associates; Relative of owner of W Tolliday Company; Husband is Director of Drive Busters


Mrs N Khan

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Chairs; Personnel; Curriculum; Finance; Pay Appeals;


Term of Office ended - 30/05/2023


Declaration of Interest - Family member is owner of Principal Car Hire Limited

Ms Z M Siddiqui

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Curriculum; Staff Dismissal Appeal; Admissions; Pay;


Term of Office Ends - 31/08/2022


Declaration of Interest - Director of 3A Locum Company


Mrs J Sembhi

Parent Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Curriculum; Chairs;


Term of Office ended - 30/05/2023


Declaration of Interest - Employed by the Academy Trust


Mrs S Kooner

Parent Governor


Sub Committee Membership -



Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None

Mr M Harrison

Parent Governor





Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - Family members are employees of the Academy Trust


Mr W Ijaz

Parent Governor


Sub Committee Membership –

Finance; Premise;


Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None

Mrs R Rai

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Personnel; Premise;


Term of Office ended - 30/05/2023


Declaration of Interest - None

Mrs J Roberts

Staff Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Curriculum; Premise;


Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - Employed by the Academy Trust; Director The Loriners MAT;


Dr G Lalli

Parent Governor


Sub Committee Membership -



Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None


Mrs T Mand

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -



Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None

Mrs M Dickson

Staff Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Finance; Curriculum; Admissions;


Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - Employed by the Academy Trust


Mr Z Nawaz

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -



Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None

Mr S Grewal

Parent Governor


Sub Committee Membership -



Term of Office Ended - 30/09/2022


Declaration of Interest - None



Mr H Bhachu

Community Governor


Sub Committee Membership -

Finance, Staff Dismissal; Pay;


Term of Office Ended - 12/07/2021


Declaration of Interest – Director, Adept Book Keeping Limited;

Mrs D Hendon

Chair of Trustees

Community Trustee


Sub Committee Membership

Finance, Audit and Risk; Personnel; Pay;



Term of Office ends – 31/08/2026


Declaration of Interest - none
